
Creative Culture Online

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The idea of Creative Culture online is simple, other people from around the world share their creative work online and anybody can use that work as a part of their own projects creating something similar or completely different.  Then, that individual shares what they have created online for the rest of the world to see, share and use as a part of their own work as well.  Creative Culture Online is one of the closest examples of a global collaboration of artists, who all share together to create anything imaginable with endless resources.

Creative culture is powerful and once something goes viral there is no telling how many people will see it and what all will happen.  If an image goes viral, like “Strutting Leo” then people all over the world will make their own meme with the image and soon there will be countless different memes all with the same punch line or charter, or quote in it.

strutting leo

I created my own Strutting Leo meme by simply googling different images and then combining them in photoshop to make the meme.  After I was finished I uploaded the meme to Reddit to share with the online community.

Breaking Bad Strutting Leo meme

Creative Culture online has many ties to everything around us and the other topics we discussed this semester in class.  Andy Carvin (@acarvin) used online culture to learn and spread news about Arab Spring.  By doing so with the use of twitter Andy led help lead NPR into the new online, social media age as well as getting the word out around the world about the events leading up to and happening around Arab Spring.

Ai Wei Wei (@aiww) still creates his art in the physical world but he is no stranger to the power of the internet.  Ai communicates through Twitter regularly and knows that the online community can spread anything like wildfire.   Anonymous is based off the idea of creative culture online.  With the use of 4chan Anonymous started from people being creative and sharing what they had made online, out of all the people and groups I am talking about Anonymous is the closest connected and interacts the most with Creative Culture online.

Edward Snowden and the NSA Government spying is still effected by creative culture online even if it doesn’t seem obvious at first.  Websites like the inform the public about what is going on and the files that Edward Snowden released.  The website uses interactive and relatable visuals to explain just how large and wide spread the the NSA spying is.

Creative culture online connects with my blog by the sharing of ideas.  On my blog I share different techniques on how to do different projects or set ups for photography or video and share ideas like my tutorial on photo planets or color correction.  If you are involved online in anyway there is a really good chance you are participating in online creative culture somehow.  Even by having a Facebook page and posting a picture of your morning coffee or the sunrise.

Creative online culture is a reflection of a person, like the people from Memefactory said,

“Every single piece of content that a user on the internet makes amounts to a certain amount of self expression.”

And with the new age with the internet and the new younger generations growing up online Creative Culture online is only going to grow and get bigger.

Shutter Speeds (Part 1)

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Say you want crisp action shots, perhaps at a football game.  You are using an D-SLR camera and are shooting still images.  How can you capture that perfect shot without any motion blur?  By adjusting the shutter speed on the camera.  In order to change the shutter speed you will need to have the camera in Manual or Shutter Priority mode, “Tv” on a Canon body or “S” on a Nikon body.

Something to keep in mind is that shutter speed ties directly into exposer.  The faster the shutter speed the darker your image will be.  To ensure good exposer you will need to adjust aperture, ISO, or even add some of your own light. Personally, I take several test shots until I have my settings set just right.

Here are some examples I have done with a fast shutter speed.

Notice how the image on the left the action is blurred, while the one on the left has a shutter speed to stop the motion and give much detail.

Continued in Part 2