Shutter Speed (Part 2)

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Haven’t read Part 1 yet? Click HERE

Besides having fast shutter speeds and stopping an object in motion, you can also have slow shutter speeds and create incredible shots. (See part 1)  Long exposures, as they are sometimes called, can create beautiful night shots, star trails/ light trails, or even create a moving body of water into a smooth graceful subject (See profesional example below).

With longer exposures the shutter speed will be set anywhere from a couple seconds to a couple hours.  Keep in mind when doing longer exposures: the shutter is open for long amounts of time and much light will be let into the image, therefore adjustments to aperture and ISO will be necessary.

This is a shot I took recently.

Shot with a 15 second shutter speed at ISO 640
Shot with a 15 second shutter speed at ISO 640

Night Highway

Here is an example from a professional.

Starry Night in Florence by Michael Woloszynowicz on

Starry Night in Florence by
Michael Woloszynowicz

Shutter speed can be a lot of fun to play around with and can yield results that you had no intention of creating in the first place. Try some different shutter speeds out for yourself the next time you have a chance and share what you have done with me @onlineartera.

Also check out more great examples of star trails by clicking HERE.

2 thoughts on “Shutter Speed (Part 2)

    Shutter Speeds (Part 1) « The Online Art Era said:
    October 21, 2013 at 1:03 am

    […] Continued in Part 2 […]

    Light Trails | Gurram Studios said:
    November 26, 2013 at 5:28 am

    […] Shutter Speed (Part 2) ( […]

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